Moi University Students Organization, popularly referred to as MUSO, is an organization that blankets all bonafide students of Moi University. Each student contributes some amount towards the organization every academic year.

Mandate of MUSO

1) To represent, advocate for, and enhance the interest and welfare of students and also to provide selected services and provide moral and academic leadership to the students of Moi University.

2) To aspire to the highest levels of excellence, ethical standards, integrity, honesty and transparency in all matters related to the MUSO constitution.

Some of MUSO objectives are:

The objectives of this constitution are to:-

1. To promote and protect rights of the students in academics, disciplinary actions, administration and health services, catering and accommodation, social welfare services and security.

2. To work in solidarity with the students‟ fraternity in championing and promoting the enjoyment of the freedom of rights, privileges and in developing a sense of responsibility towards the society and the nation.

3. To ensure equitable gender participation in students‟ affairs.

ALSO READ: About Moi University 

4. To promote the integration of persons with special needs in Moi University.

5. To honor members of the students‟ body who have made outstanding contributions to the University in academic and extracurricular activities.

6. To strengthen and broaden external linkages in collaboration with the office in charge of Networks, Partnerships and Linkages in the University.

7. To encourage students to engage in creative and innovative academic, technological research; present research papers and/or participate in symposia, seminars and conferences locally and internationally.

8. To raise funds through lawful means for the purposes of achieving the aims and objectives of MUSO.

Organs of MUSO

A. College Representatives (Delegates)

The positions of College Representatives are created in every Moi University Campus. The Colleges are classified as :

(i) College 001- School of Education + School of Business (main campus)

(ii) College 002- School of Arts and Social Sciences + School of Information Sciences.

(iii) College 003 - School of Engineering, School of Agriculture + Biological and Physical Sciences.

The three posts at the College Representative (Delegate) level are:

i) Academics Representative - Delegate 001

(ii) Co-curricular Representative - Delegate 002

(iii) Social Affairs & Special Needs Representative (Mama Welfare) - Delegate 003.

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Roles of the College Representatives (Delegates)

(i) to elect the SGC according to the provision of Chapter Six of the MUSO constitution.

(ii) in consultation with the respective Secretaries in the SGC, discharge their duties according to the docket they represent

(iii) be members of the Congress and shall discharge their duties as per Article 17 of the MUSO constitution

(iv) to relay information/decisions made at the Congress to students in their respective Colleges

(v) to liaise with the Dean of Students on matters affecting the general welfare of students at their respective Colleges 

PHOTO: Moi University students line up to vote for their College Representative at the College 002 polling station on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. On-looking is an Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) officer | MBOTO HARRY IVAN / THE LEGACY MEDIA MOI UNIVERSITY 

B. The Students’ Governing Council (SGC)

The Governing Council shall be is the chief administrative and managerial organ of MUSO. It reports to the Dean of Students and the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Students Affairs.

Composition of the Students’ Council

The Students Governing Council (SGC) consist of:-

a) Chairperson

b) Vice Chairperson

c) Secretary General

d) Treasurer

e) Three other members to represent special interests of students namely;

(i) Academics Secretary

(ii) Co-curricular Activities Secretary

(iii) Special Needs and Social Affairs Secretary

Functions of the Students Governing Council

(a) Responsible for the day-to-day running of MUSO;

(b) Implementing decisions of the Congress;

(c) Dealing with emergency matters.

(d) Keeping accurate records of the properties, income, liabilities and expenses of MUSO, together with other documents and books of accounts.

(e) Announcing any vacant position in the Students Governing Council and report to the Congress for advertisement and subsequent elections.

(f) Tabling before the Annual General Meeting a statement of financial position and financial statement of accounts of MUSO.

(g) Ensuring that all members uphold the MUSO Constitution, it's by-laws, rules and regulations.

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(2) further functions of the Students' Governing Council are as enumerated in Section 41 of the Amended Universities Act, 2016:-

(a) oversee and plan, in consultation with the Senate, Students‟ activities for the promotion of academic, spiritual, moral, harmonious communal life and social well-being of all students;

(b) draw to the attention of the appropriate authorities, where necessary, special needs from particular students;

(c) offer suggestions to the Senate or its equivalent on matters affecting the well-being of

students; and

(d) undertake such other functions as provided for in this Constitution. 

Roles and responsibilities of individual members of the SGC

1. The Chairperson

N/B- The chairperson is mandated to have a running mate of opposite gender who shall be the vice chairperson.

The chairperson:

(i) presides over all meetings of The Students Governing Council, The Annual General Meeting, Special General Meetings and Congress meetings

(ii) represents MUSO at Senate and the Students' Disciplinary Committee, unless he/she is

the subject of a disciplinary hearing;

(iii) ensures proper and cordial relations among the various organs of MUSO and the University's Administration;

(iv) together with the Secretary General sign any contractual agreements with individuals

and or organizations on behalf of MUSO after the approval of SGC;

(vi) represents MUSO at national and international levels on issues relevant to MUSO interests provided that such representations are reported to the governing council;

(viii) delegates or assigns duties to any member of the SGC or any MUSO member subject to the approval of the SGC;

(viii) addresses the opening of each newly elected MUSO officials and on every first seating of the Students Governing Council each semester.

PHOTO: Immediate former MUSO Chairperson Kepha Erick Opass with a section of the 5th SGC | DENNIS LUBANGA / TUKO.CO.KE

2. The Vice Chairperson

(i) deputizes the Chairperson in the execution of the Chairperson's functions and perform the functions conferred by MUSO constitution and any other functions of the Chairperson as the Chairperson may assign;

(iii) in conjunction with Club officials, coordinates all activities of registered clubs/movements/organizations in the University.

(iv) Is responsible over all MUSO property.

(v) receives and records requests for financial assistance by members and in particular deal with matters affecting needy students and

(vii) co-ordinates general student's welfare services like transport, benevolence, sickness and funeral in liaison with relevant Secretaries and authorities.

3. The Secretary General

(i) Is the secretary of the Students Governing Council and keep in a business-like manner, true and accurate records of the proceedings of every meeting of the Students Governing Council, AGM, SGM and any emergency meetings;

(ii) in consultation with the Chairperson, he/she conducts all general correspondence of the SGC on behalf of MUSO.

(iv) manages and regularly updates the MUSO website in liaison with the University's Corporate Communications Officer;

(iv) Is the custodian of the MUSO Constitution and ensures that the Constitution is free from willful and malicious interference and is in liaison with the University Legal Officer on MUSO's legal matters;

(v) co-ordinates and facilitates community services and related projects;

(vi) advices the Congress on matters relating to external relations

(vii) with the authorization of the Vice Chancellor and the Deputy Vice Chancellor students' Affairs, he/she may make public statements to the media and institutions outside the University;

(viii) He/she is the spokesperson of MUSO; and

(ix) represents MUSO at the Students' Welfare Committees in the university and the Students' Disciplinary Committee (unless he is directly affected).

4. Treasurer

(i) keeps in a business-like manner, true, accurate, and timely record of the proceedings of every financial transaction of MUSO;

(ii) ensures that MUSO's books of account including requisitions, receipts and vouchers are safe.

(iii) ensures that every payment and expenditure is duly authorized;

(iv) present a budget at the first meeting of the Students' Governing Council every semester;

(v) Subject to the MUSO constitution, performs duties as delegated to him/her by the Students' Governing Council.

5. The Academics Secretary

(i) advocates for the provision of high quality academic facilities, resources and services for effective and better academic programs of the university;

(ii) liaises with and presides over as Chairperson to MUSO Editorial Board, call for and receive articles from the contributor newsletter publications and edit the articles on behalf of the editorial board and in liaison with the MUSO editorial board oversee the printings, publishing, sales and distribution of the newsletter; and

(iii) in liaison with the Dean of Students, he/she develops and organizes leadership

training programs;

iv) coordinates students' academic loans and bursaries

v) performs any other functions or duties that may from time to time be assigned to him by the SGC.

6. The Co-Curricular Activities Secretary

(i) In terms of Entertainment, he/she organizes for all entertainment and recreational activities only after approval by the SGC as well as making arrangements to pay for the entertainment in collaboration with the Treasurer.

(ii) In terms of sports and games activities he/she:

 develops the sports policy of MUSO and liaise with the University Sports Department to ensure members‟ welfare in matters pertaining to sports are realized;

 facilitates and encourages the formation of clubs and movements relevant to the needs of members of MUSO and whose objectives do not run contrary to the University rules and the laws of the land for sports;

 represents MUSO in the management of the university sports teams.

 Performs any other functions or duties that may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the MUSO Constitution. 

7. The Special Needs and Social Affairs Secretary

(i) In terms of Health of the Students he/she:

 liaises with the department of health services in providing any possible assistance to students; 

 recommends the introduction of relevant health services which may be found necessary from time to time; 

(iii) In terms of Student‟s Catering needs he/she:

 works in close liaison with the Catering Unit in the University and help identify and find appropriate solutions to the student problems in that area; 

 ensures the provision of essentials in the catering department and ensures that the students catering is up to the recommended standards; 

(iv) In terms of Students' Accommodation and Security he/she: 

 works in close liaison with the Hostels Officer in the University and help identify and provide appropriate solutions to student problems in the area of 

accommodation and security; and

 Works in close liaison with the office of the Chief Security Officer to ensure student security; 

(v) In terms of looking after the interests of Persons with Special Needs he/she:

performs any other duties as may be assigned by the SGC from time to time.

Liabilities of the Students Council

A member of the SGC shall vacate office if:

a. he/she ceases to be a member as provided for in this Constitution. 

b. such a person, by reason of infirmity of mind or body, is unable to execute the functions of his/her office; or

c. members decide in accordance to this Constitution that they have no confidence in such a member being an office bearer; or

d. such an office bearer resigns, and personally hands a letter of resignation to the Dean of Students giving a seven working days' notice and reason(s) for resignation and accepted by the Student‟s Governing Council.

In the event of vacancy created, except in the circumstance when a new office bearer

is elected and inaugurate in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, a by-election shall be held to replace him or her.    

As quoted from Moi University Students Organization (MUSO) Constitution, 2018