As a first year joining Moi University fresh from highschool, there are some peculiar habits that may take you with surprise. Read as I discuss some of them below:

1. Your Smartphone: The Center of University Life

As you begin life as a comrade, you'll notice that your smartphone will quickly become indispensable. From the moment you step onto campus, you'll find that virtually every aspect of student life revolves around your phone.

Immediately after admission and finishing basic orientation activities, you'll be added to various WhatsApp groups. These groups are the primary mode of communication for everything from class updates to social events. These groups are essential for staying informed about lectures, assignments, and university announcements. Missing out on these updates can leave you in the dark, so keep your phone charged and notifications on!

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Failing to do so may have some grave consequences. Take my case for example. When I was a fresher, I struggled to adapt and make meaningful friends. Initially, I didn't have a frequent online presence, which turned out to be a significant mistake. Most updates and important information are shared on WhatsApp groups, and by not keeping up, I missed critical announcements. 

For instance, I logged into WhatsApp after a long period of inactivity, only to discover that a Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) had been announced and already taken in a makeshift class, all without my knowledge! This experience taught me the importance of maintaining a meaningful online presence. Additionally, I learned the value of finding a few friends in the same course, as they can help keep you informed and supported throughout your academic journey.

2. Mobile Payments: Till Numbers Everywhere

PHOTO: A lipa na M-Pesa till number on display | Majira Digital Media

Forget buying or carrying a wallet. At Moi University, mobile money transactions are the norm. Whether you're paying for meals, shopping for groceries, buying stationery or paying for cyber services, you'll notice Till and or Pay Bill Numbers posted everywhere for mobile payments. Even local vendors, including the mama mboga selling vegetables or roast maize accept payments as low as 10 shillings via mobile money. A reliable phone and a functioning mobile money account are crucial for navigating everyday life on campus.

It goes without say that you don't have to carry cash around. All you have to do is deposit the cash on Mpesa, Airtel Money or any other of your liking.

3. The Culture of Hugging

PHOTO: A lady and a man embracing each other | FREEPIK

Another unique aspect of Moi University culture is the form of greeting. You'll observe that students often greet each other with hugs, especially between opposite genders. Students hug literally everywhere, by the academic highway, in classes, in Stage and every other place.

While handshakes and other forms of greetings exist, they are less common. If you come from a less affectionate background, this practice might take some getting used to.

4. Adapting

As a first-year student, you'll be commonly referred to as a "fresha". You should be prepared for a certain level of hazing and playful teasing. It's a tradition at Moi University for continuing students to poke fun at freshers, often making jokes and circulating memes about you. The terms "fresha" will be used frequently, and while it may feel disrespectful at times, it's a rite of passage that everyone goes through. Rest assured, as time passes, you'll find your place and the teasing will subside.

5. Relationships

Another tradition you should be aware of involves relationships. It’s common for continuing students to show a lot of interest in freshers, particularly targeting them for short-term, often insincere relationships. 

As a female fresher, in particular, you will receive a lot of attention and help from continuing male students. And I'll be brutally honest. 

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Most of these actions of kindness are aimed at creating a relationship with you, with the end game being taking you to bed. It's very important to stay cautious and not get emotionally invested too quickly, as many of these relationships end abruptly after the above stated mission is achieved, leaving you feeling stranded and wasted.

PHOTO: A frustrated young man | FREEPIK

On the other hand, as a male fresher, you might find yourself receiving less attention and help, and you should not expect to easily find romantic partners just because you are new on campus. As they say, freshers are not entitled to ladies. This disparity is part of the adjustment process, and with time, you'll find a balance and understand the social dynamics better.

6. Campus Husbands and Wives

Another norm you'll encounter at Moi University is that some students behave like or actually live together as husbands and wives. It's even common to hear some referring to their partners publicly as "bwana yangu" (my husband) or "bibi yangu" (my wife). These are normal scenes on campus, and I bet you'll come across them several times. Well, don't be shocked by these interactions. Another category you'll meet on campus are the gays, lesbians and members of the LGBTQ community. They are often seen walking around campus, holding hands without a care in this world. Well, they say university life is diverse and dynamic.

Starting your university journey is a thrilling experience filled with new traditions and cultural practices you'll have to encounter. The initial adapting period might be challenging, especially with the teasing and the adjustments, but remember that these experiences are part of what makes university life memorable. Before you know it, you'll move from being a fresha to a continuing student, guiding the next batch of first-years through the same journey. Welcome to Moi University!