PHOTO : KCA University first years during a past event | KCA UNIVERSITY WEBSITE

First off, congratulations for making it to university. This phase is filled with excitement, new experiences and opportunities for personal growth. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to expect as a fresher in campus.

Freedom and Influence

Freedom is what most freshers joining campus look up to, their number one fantasy. Well, yes, there's lots and lots of it. It’s true that you’ll enjoy the liberty to create your own schedules without the restriction of school bells, timetables and parental or teacher supervision. The newfound independence allows you to engage in activities that interest you. 

However, while there is freedom in campus, it’s often ill advised that you can do whatever you want, including choosing to attend or skip classes. The reality is, there exists strict rules and regulations within universities.For example, in Moi University, there is the 80% rule, which states that one must attend at least 80% of the classes in order to qualify to sit for the end of semester exams. This means, while you may skip a few, attending classes is mandatory and not simply a whenever you like thing.
Another misconception is that one can enter classes whenever they like and engage in whatever activities they wish during lessons. In reality, many universities have strict lecturers who insist on time management. In Moi University for instance, there are lecturers who do not tolerate latecomers and will not hesitate to chase you away. Ask your continuing student friends, and they’ll tell you of some lecturers who won’t let you in their classes if you arrive more than 10 minutes late.

Again, it’s a common misconception that in university, you can put on whatever you like. Well, some universities have enforced strict guidelines on what students wear. In Moi University, crocs, mini skirts, ragged jeans, tumbo cuts, among other indecent clothing are banned. Random lecturers ordering you to remove caps and such like ornaments while in class, or heavy jackets during exams is a common occurrence.

While freedom is very exhilarating, it comes with the need for self-discipline. Without the structured high school environment you were used to, here in campus, it is very easy to get swayed by peer influences. Hence the need to carefully select your friends and associates. You also have to be careful on who your opinion shapers are, who advises you on what to do and what not to.


PHOTO: Moi University Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kosgey addressing first year students during their orientation on 9th September, 2019 | MOI UNIVERSITY WEBSITE.

You should note that continuing students are always waiting for the next batch of freshers. Mostly because of the excitement of being in a far away place from home, with all the freedom to do whatever you want, most freshers always fall prey to the traps of continuing students.This is a reality, especially to the fresher girls. 

You are going to have many continuing students swarming in your inbox telling you all the beautiful things you want to hear. They will entertain you with all the ‘sweet nothings’, just because they want one thing from you, and that is to put you to bed. So you come, get preyed on, they date you, take you out and party you out, bills on them. What follows is a series of sleepovers in their places, and before you even hold yourself in that relationship, you are dumped.

 They continue the sequence with other freshers as they await the next batch. While there may be a few exceptions, that’s the sad reality.And the gentlemen are not spared. Most unsuspecting freshmen fall prey to the webs of ladies. They will profile you mostly with your weakness or lifestyle and find a way of extorting you, mostly financially. The situation could even be more grim when they realize you hail from a little well off family. If not careful, you'll find yourself footing their bills, paying for their hair and nails, food and even contributing their rent. Well, again there are some exceptions, but that’s it.

ALSO READ: Essential Things to Buy as a First Year Joining Moi University 

A piece of advice here. To the ladies, protect yourselves and your bodies! Sleeping around with many guys won’t make you the hot selling cake, but rather makes you ‘loose’ as they say. Believe me, the same men you are flirting around with will sit discussing you and your wanting morals.The best thing you can do for yourself is to have dignity, and take time. You will be in university for four years or more, and there's no need of rushing into relationships.And to the gentlemen, know your levels. There’s absolutely no need to portray a high living standard just to impress ladies. Living within your means is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Entertainment and Social life

PHOTO: Moi University Students' Centre during Eddie Butitah Campus Tour event | EDDIE BUTITAH OGW / X

Campus life is vibrant, often with numerous events, clubs & societies and activities to enrich your university experience. Simply put, there’s always something happening. Be on the lookout for these events, find how you can participate and enjoy responsibly. Shortly after your orientation, a Freshers Night event will be held at the Students’ Centre. The Freshers Night is kind of a welcome party organized for first year students in various universities. The purpose of this event is to introduce you to the university community, provide you with an opportunity to socialize with your peers and to enjoy; have a taste of what university life has to offer.

It goes without saying that the continuing students will enjoy your Freshers Night more than you will. And some might take advantage of your naivety to influence you in engaging in potentially harmful activities. It’s a no secret that some of you will experience alcohol for the first time that night, and some will lose their virginity. Setting boundaries for yourself and knowing your limits when it comes to alcohol consumption and other ‘risky’ behaviour will help you enjoy such events responsibly.

Finally, its essential to prioritize a good social life with your fellow first years and other continuing students. Building strong relationships with your peers can provide support and a sense of camaraderie. Engage in conversations in various groups, participate in activities, join clubs and societies, make new friends. However, while at it, you should be wary of how you present yourself to others. Always be mindful of what you say or type in groups online. And most importantly, mind how you carry out yourself; and your moral behaviour altogether. 

ALSO READ: A First-year Guide to Moi University Culture and Traditions 

As a matter of fact, within a week or two after admission, almost whole of the student population will have identified those of you who are overly eager to engage in everything, what they term as “kiherehere” or “kimbelembele.” Avoid at all costs being someone who is always trying to be the centre of attention, as this may not always be well received by your peers. Excessive attention comes with its fair share of challenges like gossip and or unwanted scrutiny. 

Additionally, its important to avoid getting on the wrong side of continuing students. Maintaining a positive relationship with your seniors is good, while going against that can make you have a rough campus experience. Common sense dictates that you don’t exchange words with your seniors anyhow. Show respect towards them and seek guidance when needed.

For ladies, you also have to be cautious on how you carry out yourself and what image you are showing to the masses. Again within a few weeks, trust me, word will have spread about the fresher ladies who engage in multiple sexual relationships. They will have labelled you as “cheap” or ‘loose” narrating to others how you can sleep with literally everyone. Heads will be turning and you'll be hearing whispers about you everywhere you pass. So, tread carefully. Prioritize maintaining your morals and building a good reputation for yourself. 

Best wishes for a great university experience!

Yours truly😊